Frequently Asked Questions about English Cream Golden Retrievers
Updated: Aug 8, 2024
What is an English Cream Golden Retriever?

An English Cream Golden Retriever is a registered Golden Retriever that comes from 100% European bloodlines and has the very light, almost white coloring.
Are English Cream Golden Retrievers healthier than American Golden Retrievers?
Individually, each dog has the potential to be just as healthy as another dog. However, unfortunately the American Golden Retrievers have more incidences of Cancer and Hip Dysplasia than the English Cream Golden Retrievers. The English Cream Golden Retrievers have 20% less chance of having cancer compared to the American Golden Retrievers. There is an inherited gene in the American Goldens which causes some forms of cancer that isn't present in the English Goldens. This is most likely a reason why English Cream Golden Retrievers have a longer life expectancy than American Goldens.
Are English Cream Golden Retrievers the same breed as American Golden Retrievers?
Yes, English Cream Golden Retrievers are the same breed as American Goldens. They are both recognized as Golden Retrievers by the American Kennel Club. However, each are bred to different standards and have several differences between them.
Why do they call English Cream Golden Retrievers “cream” instead of “light” Golden?
The European Kennel Clubs have a designation for the very light, almost white coloring of the English Cream Golden Retriever. On their registration, it is marked as “cream.” There is not this designation on the AKC registration because the American Golden Retrievers do not usually carry this color. However, when an English Cream is registered in the AKC, it is designated as light golden. We still call them English Cream because there are very unique differences between the English Cream Goldens and the American Goldens.
What are the unique differences between the English Cream Golden Retrievers and the American Goldens?
First, we should understand that English Cream Golden Retrievers are bred to meet the standards of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) which bases its standards on the UK Kennel Club. American Goldens are bred to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standards. There isn’t a right or wrong standard. They have just developed different criteria through the years. The Golden Retriever was first recognized as a breed in The UK Kennel Club in 1911 and later became recognized as a breed in the AKC in 1932. Their standards have changed through the years and have developed independently of each other.
English Cream Golden Retrievers tend to be shorter and stockier than the American Golden Retrievers. In the UK Kennel Club, male Golden Retrievers are to be 22 to 24 inches tall at the withers and females are to be 20 to 22 inches. The AKC standards for male Golden Retrievers are 23-24 inches tall, and their requirements for female Golden Retrievers are 21 ½ to 23 ½ inches.
English Cream Golden Retrievers are the very light, almost white color, whereas American Golden Retrievers range from a light golden to a deep red. Not all English Goldens are the cream color. In fact, the UK Kennel Club’s standards for color are “any shade of gold or cream, neither red nor mahogany.” The AKC standards for color are “rich, lustrous golden of various shades” varying from light golden to dark golden. You can see from these standards, the UK Kennel club does not like the dark golden but does allow a cream; however, the AKC does not have the cream designation and does allow the dark golden. Therefore, you don’t see the English goldens having the darker colors and you don’t see the cream color in the American Golden Retrievers.
There are variations within any breed; however, the English Golden Retrievers are bred with more boldness than the American Goldens. Typically, an English Cream Golden Retriever will have more confidence and be calmer, whereas an American Golden will tend to be more submissive yet have more energy. They both are intelligent, loyal, friendly, reliable, and trustworthy.
English Cream Golden Retrievers have larger lower set ears than the American Golden Retrievers. The UK Kennel Club standards for Golden Retrievers require ears to be “moderate size, set on approximate level with eyes.” The AKC standards for Golden Retrievers require ears to be “rather short with front edge attached well behind and just above the eye and falling close to cheek.”
The English Cream Golden Retrievers tend to have a larger squarer head than the American Golden Retriever; however, there is variation within each.
What makes a good breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers?
Here at SDG Goldens, we pride ourselves at going above and beyond for our puppies and their families. The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life are the most important for setting up how the puppy views the world. Breeders have the puppies the majority of this time, so it is our job to socialize, desensitize, and expose the puppies to as many experiences we can. We do this by Early Neurological Stimulation, Early Scent Introduction, raising the puppies with the Puppy Culture training protocol, and taking the puppies on social outings. We believe these are very important steps creating well balanced puppies that make amazing pets, service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support dogs. We also find it very important to do both genetic testing as well as OFA testing in all our breeding animals.